Competence demonstration and assessment

Competence demonstration means that the student demonstrates his/her professional skills in real work situations. The demonstration is accepted when the working life representative has assessed that that the student’s competence corresponds to the professional competence defined in the qualification requirements. The assessor may be the workplace instructor or someone else.

Work tasks that support learning and competence assessment

The demonstration can be a work task, activity, or event. The realization and duration of the demonstration depend on which unit of the qualification is in question and when the assessor is able to perform the assessment. The skills assessed may be customer service, logistics, or financial management, for example. The demonstration can also be a work process, such as the design and implementation of a brochure or program.

After the demonstration, there is an assessment discussion. The student, the working life representative, and the responsible teacher take part in the discussion. The teacher acts as the moderator and recorder of the discussion.



Making the assessment decision

When the competence demonstration is being planned, a decision is also made on when the teacher participates in the student’s assessment. The workplace assessor and responsible teacher make the assessment decision. The student does not take part in the assessment decision.

The student is given a chance for self-evaluation before the assessment decision is made. The student is also informed of the assessment decision of the qualification unit. If the student is not satisfied with the assessment decision, he/she has the right to ask the assessors in writing to rectify the assessment decision within 14 days after receiving the assessment decision. The assessors must make the correction without undue delay.

In the vocational upper secondary qualification, the assessment scale has five levels:

  • Excellent 5 
  • Good 4 
  • Good 3 
  • Satisfactory 2 
  • Satisfactory 1 

In the further vocational qualification and the specialist vocational qualification, the assessment scale has two levels:

  • Pass 
  • Fail 
Preparation for competence assessment

Tips for the assessor 

  • Use various assessment methods: observe, discuss, acquaint yourself with the documents produced by the student. 
  • Assess the competence of the student, (not his/her personality).  
  • Assess the competence of the student by comparing it with the qualification requirements, (not the requirements of the organization). 
  • Assess the student as an individual (do not compare his/her competence to your own competence or the competence of others). 
  • Give open, honest feedback. Justify your feedback. 

Additional material 

Description of the personalization approach (Mostly in Finnish) 

Competence demonstration and competence assessment  (in Finnish)

Qualification requirements

Liiketoiminnan perustutkinto

Liite 2a liiketoiminnan perustutkinnon osat

Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan perustutkinto

Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan ammattitutkinto

Liite 2b TVT-tutkinnon osat

Yrittäjän ammattitutkinto

Lähiesimiestyön ammattitutkinto

Liiketoiminnan ammattitutkinto

Johtamisen ja yritysjohtamisen erikoisammattitutkinto

Liiketoiminnan erikoisammattitutkinto

Tuotekehittäjän erikoisammattitutkinto

Plans for the implementation of competence assessment

Implementation plan of competence assessment in the Vocational Qualification in Business (in Finnish) 

Implementation plan of competence assessment in the Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology (in Finnish) 

Implementation plan for competence assessment in the Further Vocational Qualification in Business (in Finnish) 

Implementation plan of competence assessment in the Specialist Vocational Qualification in Business (in Finnish) 

Implementation plan of competence assessment in the Further Vocational Qualification in First-Level Management (in Finnish) 

Implementation plan of competence assessment in the Specialist Vocational Qualification in Leadership and Business Management (in Finnish) 

Implementation plan of competence assessment in the Specialist Vocational Qualification in Product Development (in Finnish) (kommentti linkistä ja sen takana olevasta dokumentista: ePerusteissa tutkinnon nimi on Tuotekehitystyön erikoisammattitutkinto, eikä Tuotekehittäjän erikoisammattitutkinto.)

Implementation plans for assessment in the Vocational Qualification in Business and for assessment in the Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology (in English) 

Identification and recognition of prior learning (in Finnish) 

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